Monday, January 3

Ramblings + Etsy Scavenger Hunt, Part 1

I first heard about Etsy in 2006.  I read a featured sellers interview. Mesmerizing. I remember the artist saying that she spent time thinking about the positive “what if’s” daily. What if I could pay my rent from my sales on Etsy? What if I could quit my day job because of Etsy Sales? 
I found myself cheering her on through the interview.  All these years later, I'm thinking of her saying that she birthed her business by baby stepping her way to success. And by baby steps, I mean the seemingly mundane things that every entrepreneur faces on a day-to-day basis - -however blah and full of procrastination's seduction- - there are tasks that must be done to thrive. The learning curves and late nights pack some serious lessons be sure of it. That’s to say nothing of the continual getting up after feeling pushed down. You might wanna have a little pirate blood in ya to get through it – aaaargg! Joking aside, it takes one tough cookie to follow a dream; especially one thought of by the masses as a simple starving artist. It’s a hot mess that kind of thinking.
I hope our children inherit a world where that kind of reality just doesn’t exist.  A world where making a living through the arts is looked upon with vitality and value from all people. 
Which brings me to Etsy. Oh Etsy, I’d kiss you square on the mouth for the platform you created for folks who like to make things. From me personally, thank you. What an inspiring community you are.

For all the wonderfully creative and passionate individuals who are driven to create and make their living hustling art – my hat is off to you and the respect I feel for your courageous and brilliant move is to the moon and back!

Hey there perfect moment to share a couple of our Etsy Scavenger Hunt finds from Christmas. If you missed that post, you can catch up here.
There will be posts throughout the month. We have quite a bit to share, as the party bag of Etsy is always finding a few more items to put in your cart!!

Ornament: CoolRanchStudio 

Something light passes through: LA Glass


  1. Hi!

    Discovered your blog through a random chain of Facebook links today (isn't technology baffling/amazing?) and wanted to leave you a comment. Your blog is gorgeously composed and I'll be reading it on the daily. :) I'm a jewelry designer and it's inspiring to see other DIY artists making it their own. Very well done. :)

    Have a fantastic 2011!!!

  2. such pretty things! i am honored to be included. happy 2011! :)
