Thursday, May 13

alchemy of connection, five


1.    Waking up and seeing the softly glowing outline of a new day behind my bedroom windowshade.

2.     Keb Mo's voice, plaintive and raw:  "Every morning, every evening.....I think of you."

3.     Purple paint showing through fat pillows of snow on my Adirondack chairs.

4.     Sending postal art, with embellished envelopes and special calligraphy, to dear friends.

5.     Walking through deep snow at night.

6.     The sound of cottonwood leaves whispering in the wind.

7.     One small victory in combining colors that take my breath away.

8.     Belly-laughing with children.

9.     Connecting with strangers --- a smile, a nod, a moment of human contact in the least likely places.

I have never met Linda. When I first read her list, I could see the layout of shapes in a “softly glowing outline” on the blank board. I built the painting on her “new day, purple paint, belly-laughing and every morning, every evening…I think of you.” I wanted there to be a sense of movement, like curtains lighting on morning breeze/cottonwood leaves and I wanted it to feel feminine, playful and dreamy.

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