Tuesday, October 21

Swirls, Circles and Spirals

Here I am. Seven days a week, I am here. Studio, Studio, Studio. Creating 22 new paintings. Oh my. These days my eyes water in blues, greens, soft pinks and golds. Listening to a homegrown recording of a Pennsylvania singer, Natalie Joy (thank you sister of mine for the real mail love). She reminds me of an early day Ani DiFranco -- all soul and fire and a certain wanting in her voice to be seen and heard. I can hear it because I too feel that same wanting. On her handmade CD, in her own handwriting, she tells her listener to burn freely. Yes, spread the word. Be the verb, share art, share art, share art. I think that is how it's gonna happen. Little by little, word by word, person to person - one sweet connection to another. Already there is evidence of it. A visitor from Berlin and one from Morocco on my website. The sweet word is being passed around. I find peace in that - all this global connection. I wonder who it was in Paris that looked at my paintings last week? What was their day like? Was the sky slated and gray in Munich? Did the person from Malta dip their feet in the sea after perusing through pages? Who felt sadness and left a little lighter? I wonder about these things. Yesterday I had to think of a sentence that summarizes my work. Yowsa. No small task. What it all boiled down to -- is my simple and direct wish and it went like this: EACH PAINTING IS BORN OUT OF A DESIRE TO COMMUNICATE OUR CONNECTIONS, AND A HOPE TO INSPIRE STILLNESS AND PEACE IN EACH PERSON THAT LOOKS UPON THEM *

Hoping you, dear reader, are feeling light and full of peace. Happy Tuesday.

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