Thursday, June 14

Working outside

We took our summer fever and headed outside today. We kicked off the morning by visiting a local who let us look through his found treasure. I am happy to report we are now rich in caribou sheds and various horns. So awesome. We continued on down the road on the hunt for abandoned rusty treasure. All in all today was a major success. We gave a bit of blood to our mosquito brothers but that my friend is all a part of summertime in Interior Alaska!


  1. An adventure of the best kind.
    I'm tempted to take the commas out of your profile. Makes me smile doubly thinking of you stretching on eggplant next to cobalt.
    Have a wonderful weekend and if you ever are in town on a Saturday....
    come and show yer face.

    1. Love you Kim! Heading to the market tomorrow -- can't wait to see your jewelry and YOU!! xo

  2. yes to all the rest - ack no to the mosquitos! the north calls to me a lot, but those little bloodsuckers give me second thoughts.

    1. Come on up K!!! We have ways of dealing with those persistent mosquitos -- big bonfires, bug dope and mosquito coils : ) The beauty of Alaska will help you to forget them too!! xo

  3. Cha-ching!

    That third pic, the busted out rear window, sent me into an interesting memory of being about 5, wandering out of our property with my dog, and playing house in an abandoned car we found. That's some good magic.

    1. I love hearing this Kelly girl! That pic was one of my favorites -- love the broken glass and half of the wing. Makes me feel like a car full of angels busted out of the back window. YOU are complete magic!! Can't wait to see your newest paintings!!
