Saturday, December 3

Short Days

It's quite dark by five now. I lap up the four hours of daylight while it's here and find by 8 pm,  I'm digging around in my memories for a sun that feels warm and skirts that lift on bare skin.  This is the part when winter starts to feel a tad long.  Thank goodness winter solstice is this month. The other night there was an exclamation of praise tossed up for our fellow alaskans championing  big, bad winter.  Winter taught us a few lessons with her early November thirty-belows, but this week chinook winds grace us.  I love how zero feels warm and 20 makes me question if I really even needed that coat? Freeze and thaw, freeze and thaw . . .


  1. I'm still adjusting ~ I'm waking up earlier to absorb the sunshine while it's there.

  2. Thinking of you all as you embrace this winter. Be careful in the warm weather and the cold.
