Saturday, February 12

Cake, Light & Kitty

A cake named Red Velvet graced our dinner table this week. Deee-lish. The subtle sweet mascarpone cream cheese icing is memorable. A new favorite for sure. 

The simplest things are woo-ing me these days. I believe it's one of the gifts of returning light. I feel kinda frisky. Speaking of, here's the latest from the poster kitty of frisk:

Safe to say he likes catnip, 

real mail (high five)

and light.

In February some of my sun crave is quenched. There's the feeling that the ground wants to wake up and warmth is less than 20 weeks away.  Minute by minute, day by day, we're being dealt the glorious return of the sun and that is reason to celebrate.
In my happy, I'm noticing things like tiny chocolate hearts on half eaten pieces of cake . . . .

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